To promote a greater awareness and understanding of multiculturalism and the impact of cultural and ethnic differences on the counseling process among members of the counseling profession and other helping professions.
The MCD mission is to provide culturally-competent leadership, research, training and development for multicultural Christian counseling professionals, focusing on spiritual, racial, ethnic and cultural competency when counseling across cultures, specifically, African-American, Latino-American, Asian-American and Native-American cultures.
The Importance of MCD

In recent years, the North America’s—and especially the United States—have witnessed a phenomenal expansion in the cultural diversity of its population. As can be expected, this abundance of cultures and ethnicities has presented tremendous challenges and opportunities to mental health professionals. MCD, A division of AACC, offers mental health professionals a better understanding of the factors which can affect their counseling and suggests ways to improve and enrich services for their ethnically diverse clientele.
MCD realizes there is increasing motivation among counselors to understand the multicultural and ethnicity factors in order to provide appropriate psychological services. This desire to improve the quality of support to ethnic and culturally-diverse populations is attributable, in part, to the growing political and social presence of various cultural groups, both within AACC and the larger society. New sets of values, beliefs, and cultural expectations have been introduced into educational, political, business, and mental healthcare systems by the physical presence of these groups. The issues of language and culture do impact on the provision of appropriate psychological/Christian counseling services.
MCD is leading the pack in providing cultural competency for ALL Christian counselors who serve multicultural/minority populations. Join now and be a part of this phenomenal movement designed to assist and enable counselors by Standing in the Gap… Fostering Unity… and Leading the Wounded to Christ.
Mark Crear, Ph.D., MCD Executive Director
A Message from Dr. Tim Clinton

As our world and communities change, the demands for cultural competency also increase. Whatever your setting, you’re sure to acquire valuable cultural sensitivity by joining MCD, the newest division of the American Association of Christian Counselors. MCD conferences and publications bring together the best of behavioral sciences with Christ-centered care. Learn about, and share, effective counseling techniques, expertise and culturally sensitive therapeutic models to assist those who counsel the multi-cultural and minority cultures. Meet Christian counselors from diverse cultural backgrounds. I urge you to take advantage of this opportunity to develop your skills in service to cultural minorities within the body of Christ.
Tim Clinton, Ed.D., President, AACC